GarageBand is a popular music production software that comes pre-installed on MacBook and other Apple devices. However, if you want to close GarageBand on your MacBook, there are a few simple steps you can follow.

The easiest way to close GarageBand is to click on the GarageBand icon in the Dock at the bottom of your screen. Then, click on the "GarageBand" menu in the top left corner of your screen and choose the "Quit GarageBand" option.

If the GarageBand icon is not in the Dock, you can also use the "Command + Q" keyboard shortcut to quit GarageBand. Simply press and hold the Command key on your keyboard, then press the Q key while still holding the Command key.

An alternative method is to use the Activity Monitor utility on your MacBook. You can open Activity Monitor by searching for it in Spotlight or by navigating to "Applications" > "Utilities" > "Activity Monitor." Once opened, find "GarageBand" in the list of processes, select it, and click on the "Quit Process" button in the top left corner of the Activity Monitor window.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully close GarageBand on your MacBook and free up system resources.

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